This weekend I moved a hummingbird feeder to the garden, as I noticed a few hanging out there.
Hummingbirds can fly right, left, up, down, backwards, even upside down.
Hummers have a fast breathing rate, a fast heartbeat, and a high body temperature. They must feed every 10 minutes or so all day, and they may consume 2/3 of their body weight in a single day.A major part of a hummingbird's diet is sugar. They get it from flower nectar and tree sap.
We found a hummingbird nest with momma doing her nesting duties. Only females tend to nests of hummers, but doves share the joy.
Other critters like to play near the garden-- Tigger, the tabby and Tater, the puggle.

I cut a bunch of cilantro, also. Cilantro is a kind of parsley. I use scissors to cut it generously into Mexican or Asian recipes. I also use it in guacamole, omelets, chicken dishes and soups and salads.
Guacamole Recipe2 soft-ish avocados
fresh lime--from the garden
coarse salt
small tomato--from the garden
cilantro--from the garden
Simply peel and pit the avocados. Mash them up--chunky or smooth. Add garlic, salt and cilantro to taste. I also like to add freshly chopped jalapeno...from the garden, of course. Squeeze in fresh lime juice and fold in the small tomato. Serve...with EVERYTHING.
By the way, avocados are "good" fat and guilt-free.