A hummingbird is hanging around the garden these days, as I put some super sweet red water in the feeder for it.
I was wondering if I could put a hummingbird feeder around the garden to give it safety from the big, nasty blackbird that is lurking to steal others' eggs for breakfast.
(The internet amazes me. You can sit in front of your computer and learn about everything and never learn it all!)
I learned that hummingbirds don't appreciate man-made houses, nor do they appreciate fragrant flowers. They like their own spaces and have virtually no sense of smell.
Having heightened visual senses, they do love bright colors. So, to attract hummingbirds, create a colorful space and keep some sweet water for them.
As for the nasty black bird, I'll need to get a gun. (kidding, of course)
I found out Sherron has a gun, but she only has 3 bullets. Anne