Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Getting Started

Getting started is sometimes the most difficult part of a project...any project. I think a part of that is that we don't know what we don't know!

I know nothing about box gardening in Arizona, but knowledge is highly over rated. Learning is the key.

One thing that I must remember is that this project is a P R O C E S S. It is a J O U R N E Y. So, I need P A T I E N C E!

To start, I simply looked around the yard for a place that gets morning sun, but not the scorching direct afternoon sun blast. I found a space that works perfectly for that. It gets direct morning sun and filtered (through a tree) afternoon light.

The space is perfect for a 4' x 10' box.

The next thing I did was to figure out what I wanted. See that in the next post.

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